New Exam pattern drafted by CBSE for classes X & XII (2021- 22)

Dear Parents
In cognizance with the new exam pattern drafted by CBSE for classes X & XII (  2021- 22 ) following are the points to be kept in mind ...

1. The Academic pattern has to be split into 2 terms where in 50% syllabus will be covered in in Term 1 and 50% in Term 2


a)Will be held in November December.
b)MCQ will be asked based on Case Study and Assertion Reasoning.
c)Will be of 90 minutes duration and it will be conducted by the School but External invigilators will be appointed by the board.
d)Term 1 marks will be added to the final result

a) Will be held in March- April 2022
b)Questions of different format- Case-based ,short/ long, Situation based questions will be asked.

c)Will be of 2 hours duration and will be conducted at the examination centres fixed by the board
d)In case of adverse situation term 2 you will be 90 minutes duration
e)Term 2 marks will be added to the final result

FOR INTERNAL ASSESSMENT( Compulsory for all)
3 periodic tests
Student enrichment

Students are advised to take up every aspect of internal assessment , Term 1 and Term 2 seriously as all the assessments will be counted for fair judgement

*80% attendance is compulsory... Children should make sure that they attend the classes regularly and appear in all periodic tests and term examinations

Ms.Harpreet Kaur